Tuesday, June 21, 2011

30 weeks

We just had our 30 week check-up and all is well with mom, baby (and dad)!  Our OB provides a free 3D Ultrasound so of course we jumped at the opportunity!  The little peanut was cooperating for about 5 minutes and we got to see some good profile and face on images of her.  Then in what were learning about her personality, she got stubborn and turned her head ;) 
Here is the best picture we got from the 3D Ultrasound:

So we've been trying to tell if she will have the McClain nose or the Crowe nose.  I think we'll have to wait until she's born to fully determine but you can cast your vote from the photo.

Jon has been slaving away on the nursery.  We had a big week for nursery progress - it's painted, the crib and dresser are up and the chair should deliver on Thursday!  I'm taking pictures of the progress and I will post those once we get it all set up (hopefully soon!).

Here is my 30 week belly.  I'm up a few more lbs. that I hoped to be at this point - but the baby wants sugar, who am I to deny her ;)

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Welcome to the 3rd Trimester!

I can't believe it - the 3rd trimester is upon us and it's a short 2.5 months until the due date!  The 2nd trimester flew by....and my belly grew with it.

We had a doctor's appointment at 28 weeks and it went great.  We got another Ultrasound and to see our little baby girl.  I had to take a Glucose test so I had to drink pure sugar right before the ultrasound and man was she bouncing around!  We didn't get a very good picture from the ultrasound but it was so good getting to see her again.  We could already see that she's starting to get some chubby cheeks.  The doctor also had some great news that my low lying placenta had resolved itself and moved up to a 'safe' range.  That means that I can deliver naturally and not have to have a C-section (which I would have had to have if the placenta wouldn't have moved up).  That was a huge sigh of relief and our prayers were answered.

We also had our first baby shower on the 12th and it was perfect.  I feel so fortunate to have such amazing friends and family!  It was a beautiful summer day at the McClain household and the house was decorated in pink to the nines.  My wonderful husband did what he does best and made sure the house was in tip-top shape for the event. 
If the gifts at the first shower have any precedence on how this little girl is going to be then we're in trouble - we will be raising a future Carrie Bradshaw in training.  She got her first two pairs of shoes - Ugg's and some Chuck Taylors!!!  Both Pink!  But they are SO darn cute (pictures below). 

I'm 29 weeks today and feeling great.  I'm starting to get a little achy and my legs get tired after walking or standing a lot.  My belly is pretty big and it's hard to believe it still has 2 1/2 months to grow!  We go back next week for a 3D ultrasound (free from our OB - yay).  I will be sure to post pictures right away :)